Project MK-ULTRA was the code name for a covert CIA mind-control and chemical interrogation research program, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence. This official U.S. government program began in the early 1950s and continued at least through the late 1960s.
Published evidence indicates that Project MK-ULTRA involved the surreptitious use of many types of drugs and other methods to manipulate individual mental states and to alter brain function.
The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved, including Stanford.
CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MK-ULTRA files to be destroyed in 1973. Investigative efforts from the Presidential commission, known as the Rockefeller Commission, relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small number of documents that survived Helms’ destruction order.

Clayton resident, Bill Yarborough, gave his testimony as one of the MK-ULTRA child victims to Diablo Gazette. He revealed in the September, October and November 2019 issues the horrific details of his time spent as a child, age 4, in what he concluded was the CIA’s notorious MK-ULTRA program; an experience he endured with his younger brother, age 2 and older sister, 8.
MK-ULTRA’s goal was to reprogram them by putting the mind in a state of shock by using electroshock, drugs, isolation, psychological assault and other traumas. 
It took 30 years before Bill and his brother and sister would awaken to their repressed childhood memories.
“I’m often asked how my childhood experiences in MK-ULTRA impacted me. They did in substantial ways,” Yarborough says. Those experiences inspired him to tell his story in his novel, “Memories of MK-ULTRA: A Journey of Discovery From Darkness to Deliverance”.
The novel contains two interwoven storylines. One follows Dr. Rudolf Holtzmann, a Nazi-trained MK-ULTRA psychiatrist charged with engineering super soldiers and spies at the Gateway School. Dr. Rudolph Holtzmann harbors a secret agenda to turn Tommy into a future world leader, but Holtzmann’s work is compromised by dangerous forces surrounding him and by one of his experimental subjects, a Mexican boy with shamanic gifts.
The other tracks the quirky developments of Tommy, Beth, and Curtis as they grow up leading to the mystery of having identical repressed memories.
Tommy, Beth, and Curtis Matthews are children placed in the MK-ULTRA program and forced to take part in life-altering experiments. The experience dramatically impacts their lives, but they don’t remember any of it—at least not right away.
The siblings left the program deeply damaged without access to the memories that can free them. It takes Curtis’s psychotic breakdown and Beth’s startling vision to open up the pathways to their buried past. These developments lead to the detective work of Lynn Snyder, a diligent therapist to unravel the hidden tapestry of deception?
One Amazon reviewer states, “This is one of those ‘wow’ stories that will have you researching more about MK-ULTRA, and asking how our government ever got involved.”
The book launched with considerable early success reaching as high as #9 on the Best Seller, Political Fiction and #11 Best Seller, Biographical Fiction on Kindle. Among nearly 1,000 MK-ULTRA titles on Amazon and Kindle, it reached #1 for MK-ULTRA paperbacks and eBooks.
The book is available on most online bookstores including Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Learn more at