Diablo Gazette is a monthly community magazine featuring local news and puts a spotlight on the many positive attributes of living within the communities surrounding Mount Diablo and its residents. Whether its Arts and Entertainment, Events, Good Behavior, Health Tips, Wildlife or Pets, or an Exceptional
Life Story, we want to help you share it.
Readers are welcome to send in photos, stories, or news tips of upcoming events or community highlights.
It is a free magazine delivered to homes each month in different neighborhoods within Clayton, Concord, Walnut Creek. It can also be found in over 125 locations for pickup also including locations in Martinez and Pleasant Hill.
Send your tips, articles, or calendar listings to diablogazette@gmail.com. Many of our columnists have published several books which can be found on Amazon Books and other sites.
Diablo Gazette Subscriptions: $36/yr. 12 issues.
For Subscritpions or Advertising call 925-298-9990.

Publisher, David King – diablogazette@gmail.com 925-298-9990
On page 7 of your October 2021 issue re “STEM”, your writer interpreted it as Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics. I suspect that there are a lot of ENGINEERS out there that feel slighted that their discipline has been replaced by “Education” in the acronym.
Thank you. This article came from a press release from the MDUSD. We don’t know if this was intentional, but you are correct. We have made the change to include Engineering for them.
Is there a way to “opt out” of the paper delivery, it seems to be plopped on my driveway every so often and I did not order it. thanks.
Yes, email me your address and we will put on the “Do Not Deliver” list for the distributor.
Of course, we’d rather hear that you enjoy receiving this publication ever so often.
Hi David, I’m trying to find the link where people can subscribe to the Gazette. How do they do that? I put the aRt Cottage article on the aRt Cottage website and the Main Street Arts one on the MSA website too. I also mentioned it in the mail chimp email blasts.
Hi, David, I would like to “opt in” for delivery of the Diablo Gazette to my Concord home. Do tell – how do I do that?
Send us your address, if it is in our regular distribution area, we will add you to the list, if not you can subscribed and they will be mailed. Subscription is $42/yr. Let’s start with what is your home address.