ADU Construction Starts Gaining Momentum Amid Policy Changes
There have been a lot of ADU*-friendly laws passed over the past several years, and the growth of ADU applications, Issued Permits, and Finaled (Completed) construction has been exponential.Permit activity…
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) help cities meet State housing requirements
The State of California has placed requirements on cities to increase available housing. Many cities are struggling to find ways to satisfy those requirements and are looking to build new…
How can ADUs provide additional income?
by Erik Hutslar A nationwide boom in accessory dwelling units (ADUs), also known as garage apartments, casitas, granny flats, carriage houses or in-law suites, has turned many American homeowners into…
Is an Accessory Dwelling Unit in your future?
By Terrylynn Fisher, Broker Associate If you’ve thought of adding an office, playroom, pool house, guest room or apartment on your property as part of your home or outside your…